Get to know YOUrself Boost you UP. There are 4 temperaments Melancholic Phlegmatic Choleric Sanguine I happen to be a Phlegmatic and im thinking im also melancholic which is an awful combination, But hey! at least im trrying to survive Phlegmatic In a nutshell... Phlegmatic people are meek, submissive introverts who live to please others. Submissive Phlegmatics do not act as if they are better than others. They are eager to please, and quick to give in to others rather than asserting their own desires as if they're the most important. They take the path of least resistance whenever possible. They so desperately wish for peace, for everyone to get along, and to avoid conflict at all costs. Conflict terrifies them. They do not start it (except perhaps in extreme circumstances), or provoke it, and try to defuse it when it comes up. When forced into an argument, they get very upset and distressed, seeking escape rather than victory. If confro...