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Saving some Energy

1 - do not delay the start of the day.

It is tempting to hit the "snooze" button on the alarm clock in the morning. But if you fall asleep again,  the hormonal cycle is interrupted, and will be harder to get up. It is better to set the alarm fifteen minutes later, and set the alarm to the other end of the room, a simple trick that will force you to get out of bed.

2 - Let the light in.

Natural or artificial light, helps streamline the process of awakening the body. Open the curtains or turn on the lights. If you can choose, use compact fluorescent bulbs "daylight" or "cool white". They are not only good for the environment, they also have a similar to natural light, better than the yellowish light of incandescent bulbs glow.

3 - Start slowly.

Jump out of bed directly into the hectic pace of everyday life will make you drop quickly. Get up 15 minutes before the kids, take a quiet bath and get dressed at a civilized pace. And do you verify emails before it is time to deal with them.

4 - Move.

Are not you the guy who does morning exercises? Perhaps if you review the concept of exercise. According to a study by the University of Georgia, people performing a low intensity aerobic activity (like walking) three times a week, had a significant reduction in fatigue levels greater than people who do intense exercise ( as brisk walking on uneven terrain) for the same time.

If you usually crawling in the morning, or exhausted most of the time, heavy exercise can be more exhausting than invigorating.

5 - Eat more at breakfast.

Breakfast is important. If you eat only bread and coffee, you get a quick stimulant caffeine and fast energy from carbohydrates, but this is also a recipe you can leave lying very fast. Try a mixture of unrefined carbohydrates (which give you energy) as well as proteins and healthy fats (which take longer to digest, maintaining a constant level of energy). For example, scrambled eggs with whole wheat tortilla, or oatmeal with nuts.

6 - Work in sections.

Do not hit the chair, the body needs occasional movements to maintain circulation of oxygen. Most of us can not focus on the same task for more than 90 minutes. Get up and go talk to your colleagues instead of staying to check email, for example. Or at least stand up to answer the phone.

If you feel out of energy between 14h and 16h, then it's official: you are a human. Hormonal morning peak is over, and many people, after a delicious lunch, feeling sleepy during the rest of the afternoon, the common causes of a drop in mood.

Eating strategically and help some movement.

7 - Take multivitamin at lunch.

Besides taking a multivitamin at lunch, consider adding an extra B complex to encourage. Vitamins give a boost to energy, as well as coffee or soda. But still it is important and necessary to eat well and eat balanced.

8 - Do not fear the carbohydrates.

Green salad with chicken is good, but results in no carbohydrate energy. You can eat a piece of fruit or add black beans for protein and carbohydrates.

And avoid foods high in fat, not to suffer the X-burguer effect: the dream that comes after a fatty meal. A packed lunch denser fat means less oxygen and blood.

9 - Take a break.

If you're one of 34% of employees having lunch at his desk, a suggestion sunlight increases the level of vitamin D. Some research suggests that, in the right amounts, helps maintain energy levels. Some experts suspect that vitamin D helps regulate metabolism and insulin secretion, factors influencing energy.

10 - Stretch.

By midafternoon, get up and make circular movements with his arms. If you're in a cubicle, even circular motions with your heels will help circulation.

11 - Something for snacking.

Some protein and fiber help the blood sugar last a little longer. Try mixing nuts, high fiber cereals, flax seeds, coconut and pieces of black chocolate.

Defeat fatigue at the end of the day.

You are at the end of the reserve energizing hormones. At the same time, melatonin, which regulates sleep, begins to increase. But you still have things to do.

The goal: to keep pace without overloading.

12 - Keep a ritual of transition from work to home.

A ritual of transition between the workplace and home helps focus energy and enjoy the afternoon. One idea, for example, leave work early once a week to make a career or training. On other days, listen to music during this "transition" or switch to comfortable clothes before dinner.

13 - Avoid alcohol.

In the hours before bedtime, it is best to avoid alcohol - which causes restless sleep, resulting in less energy and lack of concentration on the following day.

14 - Go to the couch with a goal in mind.

Curl up on the couch and surfing the TV programming may increase inertia. It is best to see only one or two favorite shows. If you feel lazy, it is best to go to sleep.

15 - Understanding the night cravings.

Usually, this means that you are sleepy, not hungry. You keep the brain awake for a long time and needs glucose to keep running.

If you need to stay awake, make a tea light and easy to digest, as a means yogurt with fruit or hot chocolate made with almond milk and dark chocolate at least one hour before bedtime.

And to have a morning full of energy, all the experts agree that it is best to sleep well at night.
